Construction of landfills and impermeable barriers – capping

The construction of impermeable barriers is a very effective system both to limit the spread of pollutants and to avoid contact with sources of pollutants.

Such containment systems may be of a temporary nature, as an emergency safety measure pending subsequent remediation or of a definitive type such as permanent safety.

The implementation of impermeable barriers may concern sites which are to receive polluting materials, such as new landfills, or sites where the spread of pollution needs to be contained.

One of the techniques used in site remediation is that of capping, applicable in the presence of contaminated soils when there is a need to isolate and contain the spread of pollution.

Downstream of the construction of the confinement follows the implementation of ancillary works of primary importance, such as the capture of biogas residues below the waterproofing and their treatment, the restoration of surfaces above capping and the management of post-operational environmental monitoring.