Soil and subsoil reclamation

The interest for the qualitative status of the soil and the subsoil is a conscious necessity for all sectors of the economy connected with the management and transformation of real estate assets. Today, in addition to an increased sensitivity to the environment and to consider the principles of environmental ethics, there is a greater awareness and knowledge of the technical principles for assessing the problem of soil and subsoil matrix contamination.

The clean-up process of contaminated sites includes all those actions which aim to eliminate pollutants present in soil, subsoil and groundwater, or at least to reduce their concentration within the limits of the law.

The final objective of environmental reclamation is therefore to safeguard the environment and public health, allowing the recovery and the requalification of compromised areas, thus playing a strategic role in territorial planning.

General Disassembly strong experience gained in the field, acquired professionalism, the organizational capacity of the company is able to intervene in each of the qualifying phases of the remediation process, finding maximum expression in the material execution of the intervention and in the correct management of the waste produced.

In site remediation, the methodological approach identifies the preliminary steps to the execution of the remediation, from the emergency safety to the operational project of remediation, a document in which the activities to be performed, the modalities, the times, the expected costs and results.